Good Art in its phenomenological appearance, is always a sensation for people with a fine sense for nuances and connections that are not immediately obvious.
I try to meet this longing of the viewer in my works by creating color, form and contrast references in the abstract space. Always concerned with preserving a residual natural element as an entry point in order to be able to draw the viewer into the picture. I strive to play with viewing habits in order to enable metaphysical access to the work.
If this entry is successful, the viewer of the picture will - even after several Years - be offered new perspectives, discoveries and new approaches to the subject. My pictures are open sign-systems that inviteand also needthe viewerto put their own work in tocomplete them. They are not necessarily easy to consume and require the viewer to go deeper into the work, which should not go unrewarded.
For my color effects I use oil and acrylic paints mainly on large canvases.
I am proud to have done several exhibitions during the last Years.
Here are some of them.
-2004 Exhibition at Kunstmalschule Rabe, Basel, Switzerland.
-2004 Exhibition at Kunstzentrum Union, Kleinbasel, Switzerland.
-2004 Exhibition im Hirzenpark, Riehen, Switzerland.
-2006 Graduate Exhibition at Kunstmalschule Rabe, Basel, Switzerland.
-2006 Exhibition at Bar-Dot-Com, Trossingen, Germany.
-2006 Exhibition at Contemporario Arte 06, Binningen, Switzerland.
-2008 Exhibition at Crona Klinics Tübingen, Germany.
-2008 Exhibition Restaurant La Pergola, Balingen, Germany.
-2008-2014 Exhibition in Atelier Sachsse, Villingen, Germany.
-2010 Exhibition at Pfeiffer&Mey, Trossingen, Germany.
-2010 Exhibition at Curanum Hirschhalde, Bad Dürrheim, Germany.
-2010 Exhibition with Rita Scherrer in Brügglingen, Switzerland.
-2012 Exhibition at Baumgarthuber, Villingen, Germany.
-since 2017 Permanent Exhibition at Dentist Wiessner, Villingen, Germany.
-2016 Exhibition at Kunstverein Trossingen, Germany
-2019 Exhibition at Curanum Hirschhalde, Bad Dürrheim, Germany.
-2019 Exhibition at Kunstverein Trossingen, Germany.
-2023 Group Exhibition at the Gallery Makowski Zuha, China.
-2023 Group Exhibition at the Gallery Makowski, Marina di Altidona, Italy.
-2023 Group Exhibition at the Gallery Makowski, Madison Ave, New York.
I am an artist and I work alone, creating unique and expressive pieces at ateliersachsse.
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